
Hi beautiful soul,

How wonderful to meet you here! I’m a freelance writer, editor, lyricist and voice-over actor based in the northeastern countryside in the Netherlands. Aside from text-related support, I also offer project assistance in the field of the (inter)national arts and cultural sector.

Though I am interested in the arts, music and mysticism in general, I resonate particularly with the Arabic speaking world and the world of Islam, e.g. the Maghreb, Mashreq and South Asia. My clients are filmmakers, writers, musicians, visual artists and other cultural creatives with a (bicultural) background from those areas or diaspora.

Are you interested to collaborate or explore opportunities to strengthen each other’s impact in our fields? Let’s connect!

Ah, you’ve got a question about that camel..

That fairytale-like image was painted by the British author, artist and Human Givens-expert Ivan Tyrell (1943 – present). Ever since I encountered it, it inspires me so much-not merely because of the vibrant colours used or the technique applied, but also because of the layers of storytelling involved and the scene’s ambience. Moreover, I consider it a witty metaphor for those who can’t see the camel, eh, forest for the trees: those who are looking for their own story to be told outside of themselves, a path I have tread upon as well. Sometimes we need a magical mirror to see that the treasure we are after is hidden in our own chest, waiting to be discovered. And sometimes we need someone to help clean that mirror, preferably by sprinkling some stardust, ha!

It’s a grace and a joy to my heart that Ivan gave me permission to highlight this beautiful work on my website. It illuminates the story ‘The Lost Camel’ in World Tales – The extraordinary coincidence of stories told in all times, in all places by the renowned Afghan-British Sufi master and author Idries Shah (1924-1996).

Thank you for your attention! Do you feel that spark of creativity, the bright light of (re)kindled insight flaring up within? Did you just feel your heart skip a beat out of sheer joy? Does it rejoice by the thought of hoisting your sail to catch the wind, navigate by the stars and trace your camel out here? And is that a smile on your face?

I’d love to hear from you.
Blessed be!





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